Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day Two of Work - Amber-Michele Douglas

Day 2 of building was a great day! The day actually started early for us because we were under the impression the last bus to the build site left at 5:50 am when in fact the first bus to the site was 6:00am! Leave it to a PG&E employee to show up before anyone else! We were welcomed to Yankee Stadium where we meet each morning for breakfast and morning devotional. After breakfast, we all walk over to our site; get a briefing and a work assignment. Today was a VERY hard labor day! Tim worked on installing the roof, Brandi, George worked on Insulation, and I worked on installing windows and attaching straps to the home to help prevent storm damage in the future. I have been working with the Waste Management Team from all over the United States and they have been VERY helpful. I have learned quite a bit about home building and how to make sure codes are met for the city inspectors… Let’s just say that it DOES matter if a nail is not hammered in straight! (wink wink). We also met the mother that is going to move into the home. She was very excited and thrilled about the work we are doing for her and her children. Many thanks to PG&E for allowing us to come and experience this event!



Larry Goldzband said...


Great blog -- please keep it up! And give us the little details that we would never know about!!

Also -- the heat around here today reminds me to tell you to keep safe -- stay hydrated and double check everything -- you're making us proud!!!

Sammi said...

I could not be more proud of your commitment to both Habitat and PG&E. Thanks for being such great leaders and representatives of all of us ‘back home’.

LP said...

I love reading your updates! Please take lots of pictures and keep blogging.

Thanks for representing PG&E with your time and energy and smiles.

Dan Quigley said...

You four PG&Eers are doing great work, and it's great to hear from you! I've always heard that one of the most satisfying aspects of helping with a Habitat homebuild is to meet the family who will eventually live there, and to work with them. Tell us more! Thanks so much.

PG&E Volunteers said...

Hi Larry,

Many of our teammates in the house took turns passing out water to everyone working around the project. If we need it or not water is there.

Hi Sammi,

Thank you for your support. I know that I can speak for the group and say that it brings us joy to represent our company. It is just as important to us to have the support from the personnel back home and we thank you.

Sf group.

I hope you will like the next set of pictures. This has truly been a wonderful experience.

Hi Dan,

We were able to meet the family that will be moving into the house. As you heard, it is one of the most satisfying feels to have. To work side by side with the family was an extra treat.



PG&E Volunteers said...
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