Well as you can see from the above postings, weather was definitely a challenge for us today! I decided I would attempt to install siding. While it may have seemed to be a simple task, I learned the siding has to be even all around the home. Measurements had to be exact and most pieces had to be special cut. I had a nice time today because it gave me a chance to meet more volunteers that were working on the house. I met quite a few interesting characters and made new friends.
Closing Ceremonies were tonight. As I entered to ballroom, I noticed Fred Brewer, our liaison between Habitat and PG&E. I stood in the back with him and chatted until I heard an uproar in the front of the room. He said, “Oh, Jimmy Carter must have just walked in.” I darted away from Fred just to see if I could get a close look at him. By the time I made it to the front, I didn’t see Mr. Carter so I assumed I missed him. Not the case at all, I was sitting TWO ROWS IN FRONT OF HIM! As he walked from the stage I snapped a few good shots of he and Mrs. Carter. The ceremonies were very nice! Videos of the week were played and the announcement for next years Carter Build location were announced
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