Monday, May 19, 2008

Note from Brandi Jones, May 19, 2008

I arrived home and realized that I missed being in Biloxi and I missed the people! The week just went by so fast. It was just a short time to meet so many wonderful people and do something so extraordinary.—I will continue to be inspired by this past week for a very long time to come! It was great to return home and have so much support from my friends and family and my co-workers!—thank you to all of you for your emails, phone calls and kind words!—you’re the best!!!!--- and thank you George for your kind words!—the world is definitely a better place because you!!—thanks for being you!

1 comment:

mewmewmew said...

It was literally sticking to the skin of our hands. After a few hours of that, our hands and fingers were all red. Then we were given the task of putting the foam insulation around the newly installed windows. Unfortunately we were told that we should NOT get it on our hands, when we asked “How do we get this yellow goop off our hands?!!!”

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